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Experience Chiropractic

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"The Power that made the body, heals the body." 

-D.D. Palmer, Founder of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Adjustment

It is every individual’s goal to live a healthy and vital life. It is physiologically impossible to live a healthy life as long as there is nerve interference. When your nervous system is restored with a chiropractic adjustment your body begins to regenerate and revitalize itself. Your life-force and inborn potential is housed in your nervous system and with your chiropractic adjustment it is released and your body begins to heal from within.


At El Segundo Family Chiropractic we take pride in saving peoples’ lives with the power of a wellness chiropractic adjustment.


The chiropractic adjustment is not just for neck and back pain, it’s designed to remove nerve interference and restore health and well-being to your body. The adjustment is like turning the power back on from a blown fuse. A Wellness Chiropractic adjustment is the cornerstone to achieve and explore the essence of a rich and rewarding life experience.

Our Members have said...

All I can say is, Dr. Sammy is the best chiropractor ever! You can feel his concern and he truly gives his best every time he adjusts you. He promotes healthy body, mind & spirit and he helps me a lot with my wellness. I highly recommend Dr. Sammy Pyon for all your health issues. Thank you for saving me from two possible surgeries, Dr. Sammy!!

Magdalena Y.

January 2017

Get adjusted and illuminated about life and medical care at the same time. Dr. Sammy and his team are just wonderful. They are very present and attentive to your needs. And accommodating to your schedule needs. They give great workshops and lectures on medical care, and mind body spirit matters too. People drive from afar for their care.

Liam B.

March 2016

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Best of the Best Chiropractor
Dr. Sammy Pyon
Meet Dr. Sammy Pyon


Dr. Sammy Pyon is a Wellness Chiropractor focusing on helping people obtain optimal health and wellness!  He takes a holistic approach to healing and states, “We believe that wellness is experienced when the mind, body, and spirit are in harmony. When this is achieved, we enter into a state of abundant vitality, strength, joy, and peace. We seek to assist people in bringing harmony back into their lives so that they may align with their true purpose.”​


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In Joy Being Time to Shine

InJoyBeing Lifestyle Coaching


You are heart-centered and passionate about changing lives and improving our world through your work. You are interested in greater prosperity with less stress, and you are ready to create your life by choice rather than by chance.


But maybe you’ve been feeling burned out, chasing your dreams but never quite attaining them. Telling yourself that this year will be different yet not knowing how to make it happen. You are tired of letting fear stop you from having the life you desire and deserve. Maybe you feel a deep longing because you know you are not living the life you are meant to live.


Imagine living a life of prosperity and success, with clarity, certainty, and purpose. Imagine increasing your income, with less stress and more fun. Envision the knowing that comes when you quiet your racing thoughts and tap into your intuition. Picture easily attracting the people and the resources you want into your career and life. Imagine having a fountain of resources and skills to help you achieve the Prosperity and Success you’ve been striving for and that you deserve and desire. 


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